3 possible causes for numb fingertips

We all have it from time to time: our fingertips are numb. Usually, fallen asleep limbs are the reason for the numb feeling. The blood flow is interrupted and our hands start to tingle.

But the following things can also be the reason for numbness in the fingers:  

-> Do you perhaps suffer from neck tension? This can have an effect on the arm nerve, which is disturbed. This causes pain and numbness.  

-> Carpal tunnel syndrome can be another cause of numb fingertips. In this case, the pressure on the nerve that runs through the carpal tunnel increases because the surrounding tissue swells.

-> But even things that at first glance have nothing to do with the hands can lead to numb fingers. This is the case, for example, if you suffer from magnesium or vitamin B 12 deficiency.

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