Medical disclaimer


Legal notice about the effect of our products, devices and treatments !


We hereby emphasize that we cannot and do not want to promise any healing effects with the use of our products devices and treatments. The mentioned effects are all based on experiences, which were made in the practical application. However, these cannot be transferred to the individual case.


Medical disclaimer

We distance ourselves from any healing statements or healing promises! Our products and applications serve the general well-being and can have a supporting effect. All statements are in the sense of the Heilmittelwerbegesetz. We do not guarantee a relief or elimination of diseases with any of our products / applications. This would not be legally permissible and also not serious. Every person is different and reacts individually very differently. It is therefore impossible for us to guarantee the individual compatibility of a product. The diagnosis and therapy of diseases and other physical disorders requires treatment and/or consultation by doctors or alternative practitioners. Like any science, medicine is subject to constant developments. Research and clinical experience expand our knowledge, especially with regard to forms of treatment and application.

As far as on the pages of an application, dosage or a certain, possibly against our intentions, medical or nutritional therapeutic procedure is mentioned, no guarantee can be assumed. Each user is required to determine by careful examination and, if necessary, after consulting a specialist, whether the recommendations and guidelines given are applicable in his specific case. Any dosage, application or therapy is at the user's own risk.

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