3 exercises for a strong back!

The back is all too often neglected during training, and yet it is the back that actually needs a lot of love and care.  

That's why you should definitely make time for these three exercises regularly in your daily routine:  

-> Get into the quadruped position (important: hands under the shoulder joints, elbows slightly bent and knees under the hip joints). Now diagonally lift one leg and one arm straight up. Hold for 5 seconds and then switch sides. Do the exercise a total of 8 times per side.  

-> Lie on your back and pull your knees towards you with your arms so that your body forms a small "package". Lift your head and shoulder girdle and then make slight rocking movements so that the spine is lightly massaged and mobilized.  

-> Stand or sit upright. Raise your arms to shoulder height and bend your elbows 90 degrees (hands pointing towards the ceiling). Now, alternately or simultaneously, continue to bring the hands towards the ceiling until the arms are extended. Then come back to the starting position. 10 repetitions.

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