4 good reasons why you should exercise

After all, it's been no secret for a long time that any kind of exercise is good for our body. Therefore, it is not difficult for us to find some good reasons why you should start exercising today:  

Strengthening the immune system:
By exercising regularly, you strengthen your immune system and thus become ill less often.    

Sports put us in a good mood:
When we do sports, we reduce stress. Happy hormones are released and we are in a good mood!    

Improved body awareness:
Make sure you have a varied workout that consists of endurance, strength and recovery. This stimulates the metabolism and reduces body fat.    

Sport makes beautiful skin:
Not everyone may immediately think of it, but sport is also good for our skin. Physical activity stimulates blood circulation, which leads to increased cell renewal. This makes our skin firmer and we look fresher.  

But only those who exercise regularly and build a certain routine into their daily routine will stay on the ball. Pick a sport that you really enjoy.

Because without fun, the sports program becomes torture and you give up, sooner or later, annoyed and unmotivated.

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