5 tips to prevent a stroke

A stroke can not only affect the older generation, but also more and more younger people have to deal with the sudden loss of brain regions.

But you can lower your risk of having a stroke - with our 5 tips!

1. do not smoke!
If you smoke regularly, your risk of having a stroke is doubled.

2. do not become overweight or lose weight!
Being overweight leads to high blood pressure and high blood pressure narrows and calcifies the blood vessels. This increases the risk of stroke.

3. eat as if you were on vacation!
This does not mean the American fast food diet, but the healthy Mediterranean diet. This is good for the blood vessels.

4. do not let your cholesterol levels rise!
Vascular calcifications are also caused by lipometabolic disorders.  

5. move!
Movement is simply our elixir of life. Without sufficient sport or movement in everyday life, the risk of high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis increases, which in turn increases the risk of stroke.

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