Stretch legs so that the body remains in balance

Our lives take place predominantly in a sitting position. On the way to work, at work, in the evening with friends in a bar or comfortably on the sofa and at night we lie in bed. Exceptions confirm the rule, of course, but such a daily routine unfortunately takes place exactly like that for most people.  

As a result, the leg muscles shorten and the body gets out of balance. This results in incorrect loading of the joints and this leads to late consequences.  

So stretch your legs! With these exercises:  

-> Calf and rear thigh muscles
Stand with your legs wide apart and bend forward with your back straight. Grasp a calf or ankle with your hands and slowly pull your upper body to the corresponding side until you feel a stretch. Hold the position for 30 seconds and then switch sides.  

-> Inner thigh
Kneel on one knee and stretch the other leg straight out to the side. The back should be straight. Now pull the toes of the straight leg towards the body. Also hold this exercise for half a minute and then switch sides.

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