Nicole Eder

Matrix therapy for tension

For acute pain conditions, muscle stiffness, limited mobility and numerous other complaints. Matrix Rhythm Therapy can be extremely helpful. The holistic and regenerative therapy is used for the treatment of diseases of the nervous of the nervous, musculoskeletal and locomotor systems.

What is the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy?

The Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy was discovered by Dr. Ulrich G Randoll at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany. and is based on his basic cell biological research (link here: ). The human body vibrates with eight to twelve oscillations per second. The oscillations are very small and mostly only in extreme situations such as such as strained muscle tremors visible to the naked eye. With 45 percent of the mass, the skeletal muscles are the strongest clock generator of the microcirculation processes. While the heart muscle is responsible for ensuring blood and thus oxygen and nutrients into the finest blood vessels and cells. and cells, while the rhythmically oscillating skeletal musculature ensures that nutrients, nutrients, antibodies and waste products are transported to and from the body.

If the muscle processes are not functioning properly, cellular oscillation can stall, which can can lead to congestion. Thus, it can happen that the corresponding areas are no longer adequately supplied with nutrients, oxygen and antibodies. are supplied. Tension as well as changes in the bone, muscle, vascular and nerve tissue vascular and nervous tissue can be possible consequences. The Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy can help to regain the natural oscillation behavior of the skeletal muscles.

So the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy works

The system used in the private practice for private practice for physiotherapy "No back pain" in Röhrmoos near Dachau. Matrixmobil® generates mechano-magnetic vibrations which are vibrations, which can be compared with the natural vibrations of the body. can be compared. During the therapy, an asymmetrical tissue pressure is sometimes which is supposed to simulate the pump-suction effect. At the same time nerve receptors are physiologically stimulated. The natural oscillation of the body can be brought back into sync in this way. In this way, cell regeneration and healing can take place again.

Application of the Matrix Rhythm Therapy in your practice No back pain in Röhrmoos

The therapy device Matrixmobil® corresponds to the most modern standards. Nevertheless, the professional competence of the treating therapist is very crucial for the success of the therapy and can influence it considerably. In the private practice for physiotherapy "No back pain" in Röhrmoos you will be treated treated by the experienced physiotherapist Nicole Eder. This therapy can help your body to reactivation of its self-healing powers.

For which complaints is Matrix Rhythm Therapy used for?

There is a whole range of complaints that can be treated with the help of with the help of Matrix Rhythm Therapy. These are among others muscle hardenings and restricted mobility, e.g. after accidents or operations.

Furthermore, the Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy can also be used for relaxation, as well as for prevention and regeneration.

You have questions about Matrix-Rhythm-Therapy or would like to know if this therapy is also suitable for suitable for you? Ms. Eder will be happy to answer your questions in her private practice for Physiotherapy in the course of an initial consultation.

Further Information about Matrix Rhythm Therapy can be found here:

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