Nicole Eder

Relaxation through ear candling treatment

Relaxation through ear candling treatment

What the Hopi Indians already successfully applied several centuries ago, is gaining popularity since the early 1990s increasingly in Germany: the ear candling treatment. No wonder, because ear candles can contribute significantly to the relaxation of mental and physical complaints.

Ear candles application: this is how it works`s

To achieve complete relaxation during the ear candling application, partner application is recommended. This allows the partner to be treated to fully engage in the ear candling treatment and relax.

First, the person to be treated lies down comfortably in a lateral position. To prevent contact between the candle and the hair, the hair is covered with a cloth during the application. Now the ear candle is lit by the other partner (or therapist) and placed vertically with light pressure on the ear canal of the person lying down. During the burning process, the partner makes sure that the candle stands as straight as possible and that no hair comes near the flame. Shortly before reaching the red burn mark, the candle is removed from the ear and the flame is extinguished in a glass of water. During the ear candling treatment, the patient feels a pleasant warmth and listens to a soft crackling sound. Ideally, the application is followed by a short relaxing head and / or face massage, which further enhances the effect.

Effect of ear candling treatment

Ear candle therapy is known for its relaxing effect for body, mind and soul. Many report a pleasant feeling of calm and contentment after use. The following effects can be achieved:

- Relaxation for mind and soul

- Relaxation of the head and neck muscles

- Better blood circulation in the ear canal

- Improved ventilation of the upper airways

- Concomitant treatment of migraine and tinnitus

Already during the first treatment many patients notice a relaxed feeling and a reduction of stress. In order to maintain the energetic balance, treatment of both ears always takes place consecutively.

How often should the ear candling treatment be performed?

The frequency of application of ear candles always depends on the physical and mental condition of the patient. As a prophylaxis or for relaxation, one or two treatments a month are quite sufficient.

Ear candle therapy in the private practice of physiotherapy "No back pain".

In the private practice for physiotherapy "No back pain" in Röhrmoos near Dachau, the experienced physiotherapist Nicole Eder has been performing the ear candling treatment for many years and thus accompanies her patients in overcoming stress, as well as physical complaints. If you too would like more relaxation in your life and are looking for ear candling therapy near Dachau, you are in good hands at the private practice for physiotherapy "No Backache" in Röhrmoos. Here you can find more information about ear candling therapy in the private practice for physiotherapy "KeineRückenschmerzen" in Röhrmoos near Dachau.

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