Nicole Eder

Is the chair to blame?

Our parents used to take great care that we children sat up straight - yours too?

Then you may know the feeling that in some situations it was not so easy.

And that wasn't necessarily because of you, but pretty sure it was because of the chair you were sitting in!


After all, if the knee joints are at the level of the hip joints or above, it is virtually impossible to sit up straight without straining.

This is due to the pelvis. It is automatically tilted further back as the knee joints rise. This makes the lumbar spine round and all other spinal areas follow this tendency.

If the knee joints come under the hip joints, the pelvis tilts forward, the lumbar spine straightens and it immediately becomes easier for you to straighten the thoracic spine and take your shoulders back.

Why don't you try it out and tell us about it!


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