Massage as a panacea?

Massage = solution to all back problems?
Clear answer from us:


It is one therapeutic tool among many, but should never be used as the sole solution.


It's quite simple:
When patients come to us with back pain, many have the expectation that a few massages will relieve the pain. And that is true for a short time. However, massage does not address the root cause. This is usually due to fundamentally weak (back) muscles, incorrect posture and/or too little movement. A massage cannot replace this.

-> What massages can do: Increase blood circulation and metabolism, which loosens the tense muscles.

-> What massages can't do: Strengthen muscles or improve posture.

Therefore, in addition to loosening the muscles, the original problem must always be addressed in order to achieve a lasting improvement in the symptoms!

BUT: A massage is always a wonderful opportunity for relaxation. A massage is also always a very nice gift to yourself or for someone else.

Still looking for a great gift? With us you can also get massage vouchers:

as a gift for Christmas, for a birthday or just like that

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