Mini exercises - bye bye neck pain!

The area of the neck and throat is a weak point of our body. Every second person in Germany, including even many young people, has neck problems. In the worst case, neck pain can also lead to headaches!

In this post we will show you how to relieve your neck tension even at home with little tricks. Good luck!

-> Tennis ball:
Stand with your back to a wall and place a tennis ball between the shoulder-neck area and the wall. Now roll over the painful areas with light pressure.  

-> Progressive muscle relaxation:
Pull your shoulder blades towards your buttocks and hold the tension for 10 seconds. Then consciously release the tension again. Inhale and exhale deeply.  

-> Head movements:
Move your head in all possible directions: Turn it left and right, tilt it to either side, and bring it forward and back down.

Have fun, and always perform all exercises gently!

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