Muscle size myth: Why big muscles don't necessarily mean big strength

Do you always see the guys (and gals) with the huge mountains of muscle at the gym and are seriously impressed with how they've managed to get their muscles to look like that?  

We can put your mind at ease a little..... It's not necessarily that impressive.

Because: This myth that big muscles are super strong is not always true.  

Whether muscles can develop strength does not automatically depend on muscle mass. These so-called "pumpers" in the gym may have big muscles, but often there is actually not much strength behind them.  

This is due to sarcoplasmic hypertrophy. What is that?  

The build-up of muscle mass happens by the so-called sarcoplasm in the muscle cells becoming more. This increases the volume, but it does not become more muscle fibers, so the muscle does not get more strength.  

The people who increase their muscles in this way mainly do isolation exercises and eat a diet very rich in protein.

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