Nicole Eder

New therapeutic approach in my practice: Specialized treatment for dizziness and balance disorders

Dizziness and balance disorders are among the most common complaints that people of all ages are confronted with. They can occur suddenly and severely affect the lives of those affected. These symptoms can manifest themselves in a variety of ways - from mild discomfort to severe attacks that make everyday life almost impossible. I am therefore pleased to be able to offer specialized therapy for dizziness and balance disorders in my practice with immediate effect.

What causes dizziness and balance problems?

Dizziness is often caused by disorders in the vestibular system - the organ of balance in the inner ear. This system sends signals to the brain that help us to maintain our balance and orient ourselves in space. If this system is disturbed, symptoms such as dizziness, unsteadiness when walking, vertigo attacks or even nausea can occur.

The causes of such disorders are varied. They range from benign positional vertigo (BPPV) to infections of the inner ear and traumatic injuries. Targeted therapy is crucial in these cases in order to stabilize the balance system again.

How does vestibular rehabilitation therapy work?

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a specialized form of physiotherapy that aims to train and improve the vestibular system. The special thing about VRT is that it is individually tailored to the patient's needs. After a detailed diagnosis, which includes a precise analysis of the cause of the dizziness, I develop a personalized therapy plan.

The treatment usually consists of targeted exercises that help to improve the responsiveness of the balance system. These include

Regular exercises and consistent support are the key to success here. The aim of the therapy is to correct the functional disorders and contribute to an improvement in quality of life in the long term.

Who is vestibular therapy suitable for?

This form of therapy is suitable for all patients who suffer from dizziness or balance disorders, regardless of age or cause. It is particularly effective for:

If you suffer from one of these complaints or feel that your balance is out of kilter, vestibular rehabilitation therapy in my practice can help you to go through everyday life with more confidence and stability.

Make an appointment

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about therapy or would like to arrange a personal consultation. I am happy to be there for you.

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