How to prevent a heart attack!

In a heart attack, there is a sudden occlusion of one of the two blood vessels. If the vessel remains occluded, oxygen and nutrients can no longer reach all areas of the heart muscle and the tissue dies. The larger the occluded vessel, the more intense the heart attack.  

But there are some tips to prevent a heart attack:  

-> Move a lot.
If you move a lot, you increase your resilience and endurance and thus also the performance of the cardiovascular system. In addition, sufficient exercise can also prevent many other diseases.  

-> Make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet.
The menu should include fresh vegetables and fruit every day. If you eat a healthy diet, you will also reduce obesity at the same time, which in turn is another risk factor for a heart attack.  

-> Lower your LDL cholesterol level.
HDL cholesterol protects your cells, while LDL cholesterol leads to vascular deposits. That's why you should eat more vegetable fats and less animal fats.  

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