Nicole Eder

Difference between fango and natural moor

Difference between natural moor and fango kerosene pack


The use of mud, fango and moor to cure and alleviate a wide variety of ailments goes back a very long way. The ancient Egyptians are said to have treated aching limbs with Nile mud, while the Roman legionaries cured their ailments with fango and the ancient Greeks used mud.
The physician Paracelsus also recognized mud as an important remedy.
In the early 19th century, the first spas with mud treatments were established in Germany.

Unfortunately, mud is often confused with fango.
Both are natural products, but of different origin and with different modes of action.


Fango is of volcanic origin. The rock is ground and mixed with water. This creates "fango mud". However, the fango pack used in the surgeries is usually made of fango kerosene. For this purpose, the rock flour is mixed with kerosene. This wax-like product can now be heated and liquefied. It is then poured into sheet form, cooled slightly and "molded" onto the patient while still hot. The pack cools on the patient and hardens. After use, these hardened plates are returned to the fango furnace where they are melted and sterilized.They are then reused. The fango kerosene can be used up to 30 times.
Fango consists of inorganic minerals, which, according to the current state of knowledge, cannot be absorbed by the body (through the skin).
This means that the effect of the fango paraffin pack consists mainly of relaxation from the heat.


Mud consists mainly of organic substances that can be easily absorbed by the body. Some ingredients include humic acid, tannins, minerals , flavonoids and silicic acids.
The mechanism of action of the mud pack lies both in the slowly rising heat and in the ingredients of the mud itself, such as the anti-inflammatory property of humic acid.

Unlike the mud pack, which is applied hot to the patient, the mud pack warms up slowly through a heat carrier, which is more pleasant and tolerable for the patient.

In my practice I use the natural moor of the company "Kurland". This moor is cut in the Leopoldskron-Moos in Salzburg. It contains a pH value of 4.5 - 5 and has a high humic acid content.

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