Why yoga is so important at any age

Those who do not exercise enough run the risk of increasingly losing muscle mass due to the natural aging process. Regardless of age, sport can counteract the natural muscle loss.    

Yoga is a form of exercise that is suitable for all ages.‍ The level of difficulty can be adjusted individually and the exercises are versatile.  

If you want to start with yoga, you do not have to be athletic. Even beginners can do, for example, the cobra or the sun salutation.    

Yoga is about exercises, called asanas, where certain positions have to be held for a while. This strengthens the muscles. Asanas can be performed while sitting, lying down or standing. In addition, they can be combined well with breathing exercises, which can significantly reduce stress levels.  

To achieve lasting results, it is important that the exercises are performed several times a week. Only in this way can the muscles be strengthened regularly and permanently.

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