What a vitamin 12 deficiency can do

Do you regularly go to the doctor for a blood test? If not, make an appointment for it right now!  

It is so important to have your blood checked regularly so that possible deficiencies in nutrients and vitamins can be detected early. Because if you don't notice them, it can have nasty consequences for your body....  

This is the case with vitamin B12. Certain diets or when the body cannot absorb the vitamin from food cause this deficiency.  

But what happens if you suffer from a vitamin B12 deficiency for years? These are possible consequences:

-> Sensory disturbances, which can extend to paralysis.

-> Hair loss

-> Muscle weaknesses

-> Damage to the optic nerve

-> Depression  

Doesn't sound so good, does it? So: Make an appointment for a blood sample and have it clarified whether everything is okay!

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