The pain travels down the leg to the toes. The calves cramp. Walking hurts and even sitting or lying down brings no relief. The sciatic nerve is pinched. It hurts the least at the point in the lower spine where the cause of the discomfort is located.
Even medical laymen now know that although sciatica affects the leg, the cause lies in the area of origin of the sciatic nerve, the spine. The disorder is believed to be in the lower lumbar-cruciate region. Also, when we are plagued by headaches, we may suspect a problem in the cervical spine, even if we don't feel anything there.
Who would think with stomach and kidney problems, with stubborn constipation or even with varicose veins that the cause of the problem could lie in the spine, especially since the back can also be completely painless here. For Dieter Dorn, the founder of the Dorn therapy named after him, such connections have been completely clear for a long time and have been confirmed again and again in his work.