Exhaustion / fatigue

Therapy options


Discover the healing power of massage, one of the oldest remedies known to mankind. In our practice, we offer various forms of massage, from connective tissue massage to relaxation massage, which are specifically tailored to your individual needs.


Body-Detox® Electrolysis Foot Bath

Revitalize your body with the Body Detox® electrolysis foot bath - an intensive and well-tolerated detoxification method for more energy and well-being.


Bioptron Light Therapy

Experience the healing power of (sun)light, which not only promotes vitamin D synthesis but also has a positive effect on depression.


Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Experience Matrix Rhythm Therapy as a supportive measure to alleviate muscular and skeletal disorders, from swelling reduction to nerve regeneration for complaints such as migraines, tinnitus and chronic degenerative diseases.


Endurance training

Endurance training (running, cycling) can help strengthen the immune system and improve the cardiovascular system, among other things.



Cupping treatments were already being carried out in Mesopotamia around 3,300 BC. In dry (bloodless) cupping, cupping glasses are placed on the area to be treated with negative pressure.


Ear candles

Immerse yourself in the secret of the ancient Hopi Indians with the gentle ear candle treatment. A soothing method that not only relaxes, but can also improve hearing, balance and nasal breathing - scientifically proven and suitable for both children and adults.

*Medical disclaimer
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