Temporomandibular joint disorders (CMD)

Therapy options

Matrix Rhythm Therapy

Experience Matrix Rhythm Therapy as a supportive measure to alleviate muscular and skeletal disorders, from swelling reduction to nerve regeneration for complaints such as migraines, tinnitus and chronic degenerative diseases.


Kinesiology taping

Optimize your healing process with kinesiology taping - active support for injured structures. Water-resistant, skin-friendly and wearable for up to a week, the tape offers relief for sports injuries, joint pain, tinnitus, tension and menstrual pain.


TMJ treatment

CMD (craniomandibular dysfunction) is a temporomandibular joint dysfunction with pain when chewing, headaches and cracking noises and requires a holistic approach with interdisciplinary cooperation between different specialties.


Local vibration therapy with the Novafon

Local vibration therapy is a non-invasive solution for the supportive treatment of acute and chronic musculoskeletal pain, as well as the consequences of a variety of neurological disorders.


Bioptron Light Therapy

Experience the healing power of (sun)light, which not only promotes vitamin D synthesis but also has a positive effect on depression.


Laser therapy

Laser therapy is intended to stimulate blood circulation in the treated area and thus improve metabolism.

*Medical disclaimer
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